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Langmuir Probes


Langmuir probes play a pivotal role in plasma diagnostics, unravelling plasma characteristics for effective process control. By delivering accurate measurements of key plasma parameters, Langmuir probes enable meticulous optimisation, leading to increased efficiency and improved performance across applications. As a frontrunner in plasma diagnostic solutions, Impedans Ltd. offers cutting-edge Langmuir probe technologies, empowering industries to leverage precise insights and elevate their plasma-based processes to new levels of excellence. 

Section 1: Understanding Langmuir Probes 

Langmuir probes consist of a thin conducting electrode, which is placed inside the bulk plasma. The prob is biased to an electric potential V, with respect to a reference electrode (which can be the grounded metallic wall of the plasma chamber), to collect electron and/or ion currents from the plasma. This current is used to build up a current voltage (I-V) characteristic of the plasma, from which key plasma parameters are extracted. These parameters shed light on plasma’s behaviour, aiding in diagnosing instabilities, monitoring changes, and ensuring efficient process control. 

The design of Langmuir probes is carefully crafted to facilitate accurate measurements with minimum perturbation to the plasma. The probe tip, the area exposed to plasma, must be small to ensure local measurements and can be spherical (a), cylindrical (b) or planar (c, in the figure 1) which have uses depending on the plasma environment. A spherical and planar tip will have a greater collection area and be better suited to a lower density plasma. It is the conducting tip which is exposed to plasma and the rest of the probe must be sufficiently insulated in order to protect it from the plasma environment. 

Figure 1 (Left) Schematic of Langmuir probe, (Right) different types of probe tips (a) spherical, (b) cylindrical and (c) planar

If the Langmuir probe is being used in an RF plasma, RF chokes (inductors) with high impedance at plasma excitation frequency must be placed close to the probe tips. These chokes must have a resonance frequency band covering the RF frequency used to drive the plasma and also its harmonics, so that the impedance of the inductor at the driving frequency is around 100kOhms or more. This allows the measurement tips to ‘float’ with the RF, giving accurate data. 

The circuitry needed for a Langmuir probe is quite basic, only requiring circuitry to apply variable voltages to the probe and measure the current the probe draws from the plasma. For this reason. Langmuir probes exhibit remarkable versatility, adapting to a range of plasma environments and process conditions. From laboratory experiments to industrial applications, these probes offer real-time insights into plasma properties. Whether within fusion devices, space exploration, semiconductor manufacturing, or plasma-based material processing, Langmuir probes empower researchers and engineers to fine-tune processes and achieve optimal outcomes. 

Section 2: The I-V Characteristics and Key Parameters Measured

The current measured from the probe is a function of both ions and electrons travelling across the plasma sheath that is formed around the probe tip. In order to build up a characteristic I-V curve, the current entering the sheath must be calculated from the current measured at the probe tip. Langmuir probes typically utilise various theoretical models to perform this calculation including Lafromboise theory at low pressures where the sheath around the probe can be thought of as collisionless, and Allen, Boyd, Reynolds theory for higher pressures where ions have typically much shorter mean free paths. Once the current travelling across the sheath edge is calculated, an I-V characteristic curve such as the one shown in figure 2 can be produced. 

Figure 2 I-V characteristics obtained by using a cylindrical Langmuir probe in plasma.

Some of the important coordinates are highlighted above, where Vf is the floating potential, Vp is the plasma potential, Vsat is a probe potential in the electron saturation region of the characteristic, I(Vp) is the probe current at the plasma potential and I(Vsat) is the probe current at the chosen Vsat. The I-V characteristic curve obtained from a Langmuir probe measurement consists of distinct regions that convey important plasma characteristics. The regions include: 

  • Ion Saturation Region: This is region to the left of Vf where the probe bias is increasingly more negative, with respect to the plasma potential. The electrons are repelled and the probe current is dominated by the positive ions. The drained ion current from the plasma is limited by the electric shielding of the probe and the current decreases slowly for very negative VVp. Sheath expansion theory, governing the ion collection, is applied to this region to calculate the ion number density ni.  
  • Electron Retardation Region: Moving from Vf to Vp the probe collects increasingly more electron current as the potential barrier formed between the probe and plasma decreases (becoming 0 at Vp). The number of electrons that reaches the probe in this region is dependent on the energy distribution of the electrons, hence this region can be used to build up the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) and measure the electron temperature. In this region, electron current increases exponentially when the electrons are in thermal equilibrium. 
  • Electron Saturation Region: The exponential growth of electron current with Vp should continue until Vp = Vs, when none of the electrons is repelled by a negative potential. To the right of Vp, the probe potential repels ions and attracts electrons; electron saturation occurs. For Vp > Vs, electron current increases
    slowly as the collection area grows due to an increase in sheath thickness, the shape of the curve depending on the shape of the probe tip. 

Section 3: Impedans Langmuir Probe Solutions 

Impedans Ltd., a leading provider of advanced plasma diagnostic solutions, offers cutting-edge Langmuir probe technologies to address the needs of the plasma research and industrial sectors. Their Langmuir probes offer real time measurement of key plasma parameters, with complex Langmuir analysis of raw data being done by their state of the art free software to make using an Impedans Langmuir probe accessible to users of all experience levels. Below figure 3 and 4 are an example of a screenshot of the Langmuir software being used in an Argon CCP plasma, giving all the parameters measured and easily exported for the user.  

A diagram of a voltageDescription automatically generated
Figure 3 I-V curve measured by Impedans Langmuir Probe and displayed by its software
A chart with text and numbersDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
Figure 4 Plasma parameters measured by Impedans Langmuir Probe and displayed by its software


Impedans’ Langmuir probes are compatible with various plasma sources, being used in over 100 publications. Whether in a laboratory setting or an industrial facility, Impedans’ probe systems deliver reliable results and contribute to improved plasma diagnostics. 

Section 4: Applications and Benefits of Langmuir Probes 

Langmuir probes find extensive applications across numerous industries where plasma diagnostics and process control are critical. Below is a schematic listing of some examples of the applications that a Langmuir probe can be implemented in. 

A diagram of a diagramDescription automatically generated
Figure 5 Some examples of the Langmuir probe applications in various plasmas

In thin film deposition applications, film uniformity is highly dependent on plasma density uniformity. A Langmuir probe provides highly localised measurements of plasma parameters, and as such can be used to build up a special distribution of the plasma density. Zoubian et al (2021) [1] demonstrated below plasma density measurements  in figure 6 across space of ECR microwave plasma sources supplied by solid state generators. Impedans also offer linear drives for this spatial mapping of plasma parameters.